An imitation English half noble issued by Philip the Bold, Duke of Burgundy, 1384-1404 [source]
[This is a republication of an article I originally wrote for the Sound Money Project. When we look back at old coinage systems, our knee-jerk reaction to the periodic debasements that these systems experienced is "ew, that's gross." But things were considerably more complex than that. This article tells the story of a healthy, or wise, coin debasement — Henry IV's debasement of the gold noble during the so-called "war of the gold nobles" between England and Burgundy in the late 1300s and early 1400s.]
A Sound Debasement
In his excellent article
on medieval coinage, Eric Tymoigne makes the seemingly paradoxical
claim that “debasements helped preserve a healthy monetary system.” A
debasement of the coinage was the intentional reduction in the gold or
silver content of a coin by the monarch by diminishing either the coin’s
weight or its fineness. I’m going to second Tymoigne’s paradoxical
statement and provide a specific example of how a debasement might have
been a sound monetary decision.
First, we need to review the basics of medieval coinage. In medieval
times, any member of the public could bring raw silver or gold to the
monarch’s mint to be coined. If a merchant brought a pound of silver
bullion to the mint, this silver would be combined with base metals like
copper to provide strength and from this mix a fixed quantity of fresh
pennies — say 40 — would be produced. These 40 pennies would contain a
little less than a pound of silver since the monarch extracted a fee for
the mint’s efforts.
The merchant could then spend these 40 new pennies into circulation. Coins were generally accepted by tale,
or at their face value, rather than by weight. Shopkeepers simply
looked at the markings on the face of the coin to verify its
authenticity rather than laboriously weighing and assaying it. This was
the whole point of having a system of coinage, after all: to speed up
the process of transacting.
As long as the monarch of the realm continued to mint the same fixed
quantity of coins from a given weight of silver or gold, the standard
would remain undebased. Sometimes, however, “coin wars” erupted between
monarchs of different realms, the aggressors minting inferior copies of
their victims’ coins. Since these wars hurt the domestic monetary system
of the victim, some sort of response was necessary. One of the best
lines of defense against an aggressive counterfeiter was a debasement.
John Munro, an expert in medieval coinage, recounts the story
of the “war of the gold nobles,” a coin war that broke out in 1388 when
the Flemish Duke Philip the Bold began to mint decent imitations of the
English gold noble. Flanders, comprising parts of modern-day Belgium
and northern France, was a major center of trade and commerce on the
Continent. Both the weight and fineness of Philip’s imitations were less
than those of the original English noble. According to Munro’s
calculations, by bringing a marc de Troyes of gold (1 marc de Troyes
= 244.753 grams) to Philip’s mint in Bruges, a member of the public
could get 31.163 counterfeit nobles. But if that same amount of gold
were brought to the London mint, it would be coined into just 30.951
English nobles. Given that more Flemish nobles were cut from the same marc of gold than English nobles, each Flemish noble contained a little bit less of the yellow metal.
Philip’s “bad” nobles soon began pushing out “good” English nobles,
an instance of Gresham’s law. Given Philip’s offer to produce more
nobles from a given amount of raw gold, it made a lot of sense for
merchants to ship fine gold across the English Channel to Philip’s mints
in Bruges and Ghent rather than bringing it to the London mint. After
all, any merchant who did so got an extra 0.212 nobles for 244.753 grams
of the gold they owned. By bringing the fakes back to England,
merchants could buy around 1 percent more goods and services than they
otherwise could. After all, Philip the Bold’s fake nobles were
indistinguishable from real ones, so English shopkeepers accepted them
at the same rate as legitimate coins. English nobles steadily
disappeared as they were hoarded, melted down, or exported. Why spend a
“good” coin — one that has more gold in it — when you can buy the exact
same amount of goods with a lookalike that has less gold in it?
Philip’s motivation for starting the war of the gold nobles was
profit. By creating a decent knock-off of the English noble that had
less gold in it, though not noticeably so, Philip provided a financial
incentive for merchants to bring gold to his mints rather than competing
English mints. Like all monarchs, Philip charged a toll on the amount
of physical precious metals passing through his mints. So as throughput
increased, so did his revenues.
The health of the English monetary system deteriorated thanks to the
coin war. With a mixture of similar but non-fungible coins in
circulation, there would have been an erosion in the degree of trust the
public had in the ability of a given noble to serve as a faithful
representation of the official unit of account. Nor was the system fair,
given that one part of the population (people who had enough resources
to access fake coins) profited off the other part (people who did not
have access). Finally, when Gresham’s law hits, crippling coin shortages
can appear as the good coin is rapidly removed but bad coins can’t fill
the vacuum fast enough.
The English king’s efforts to ban Philip’s nobles had little effect.
After all, gold coins have high value-to-weight ratios and are easy to
smuggle. One line of defense remained: a debasement. In 1411, some 20
years after Philip the Bold had launched his first counterfeit, King
Henry IV of England announced a reduction in the weight — and thus the
gold content — of the English noble. This finally resolved the war of
the nobles, says Munro. By reducing the noble’s gold content so that it
was more in line with the gold content of the Flemish fakes, the English
noble lost its “good” status. Merchants no longer had an incentive to
visit Philip’s mints to get counterfeits, and English nobles once again
circulated. The health of the English coinage system improved.
We shouldn’t assume that all medieval debasements constituted good
monetary policy. There were many coin debasements that were purely
selfish efforts designed to provide the monarch with profits, often to
fight petty wars with other monarchs. These selfish debasements hurt the
coinage system since they reduced the capacity of coins to serve as
trustworthy measuring sticks. As Munro points out,
each medieval debasement needs to be analyzed separately to determine
whether it was an attempt to salvage the monetary system or an attempt
to profit.